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How to SolGov Guide

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This guide is to explain the new setting and thematics that are at work aboard the SEV Torch that make it starkly different from your average SS13 Server. It will go through the different ranking systems, the behavior, and the style of both the Expeditionary Corps and Fleet aboard the ship - all part of the Sol Central Government.

The Background

The background of the server, its lore and your characters, has drastically changed. Rather than throwing this at the tail end of all the information you're gonna learn today, it's best to include this at the very top. Below, you will see descriptions of the various new parts of the Sol Gov that are a part of the server – The Expeditionary Corps and The Fleet. Not only that, but you will see the difference in Enlisted and Officers, and the difference in age in the different Branches.

Expeditionary Corps

SCGEC Insignia

The Expeditionary Corps is a Sol Central Government scientific agency tasked with exploration of uncharted space and worlds, mineralogy surveys and xenoarchaeological studies and, more recently, making contact with undiscovered sapient life.

The EC performs a variety of tasks: discovering and cataloging stellar objects in Observatory, initial surveys of prospective colony sites and space anomalies, in-depth exploration of uncharted worlds, staffing long-term scientific outposts, and studying anomalies and xenoarcheological sites.

While not military, it was modeled in a naval style, with employees having ranks and uniforms, along with falling under the jurisdiction of SCUJ. It consists of uniformed personnel (enlisted and commissioned officers) and corporate contractors hired on a per mission basis. Corpsmen are often highly specialized for the roles they take on their missions, and they are known for their experimental nature and ability to improvise.

Rank Description
Recruit You can't believe it's only been six months since you signed your papers. Six months of training and education to prepare you for whatever comes your way, but it feels like years. Whatever you did before, whoever you worked for, or wherever you lived, you've learned something. You took classes about navigation, xenoscience, survival, and first contact. You can salute, and don't look half bad in a uniform. Wherever you came from, you have a bit more unity with your fellow Expeditioneers. However, you're still junior, working on a government ship is strange, and a lot of the military personnel look down on you for your "soft" background.
Experienced Enlisted You've just about had it with all the newbs wandering around the ship. Half of them don't know a shield generator from a shower head and haven't been on an expedition outside of simulations. They're not ready for the long haul, and in a career as dangerous as frontier exploration, that's likely to get you all killed. One way or another, they're going to have to learn, so either you'll teach them, or you'll stay out of the way when they get eaten. Better them than you!
New Officer You were lucky, influential, wealthy, or experienced enough to earn a commission in the newly retooled Expeditionary Corps. The Expeditionary Academy hasn't been easy, but those at the forefront of the new exploration boom will be set for life. You aren't sure about all these government rules and regulations, but you think you can make a difference here, or at the very least, make some money. But don't forget - if someone paid for you to get this position, they'll be wanting something back.
Veteran Things used to be done differently around here. You remember when the Expeditionary Corps meant something, when the point was the beauty and wonder of discovery itself, not to make money or find new weapons. The Corps was small, but it was a family. Now your science department is staffed by corporate peons, and the fleet are barking orders at you and parading around with their spit shined boots. You could have given up and gotten out, but that would have been too easy. You'll be damned if the defense forces turn your boat into a battleship.


SCGF Insignia

The oldest component of the Defence Forces, the Fleet considers itself the pinnacle of Human military accomplishment, but tends to overlook some regulations for simplicity's sake. It is well funded, but seen as complacent and bloated. Until recently the Fleet have not had a serious enemy to deal with, but is generally respected by the populace due to their work keeping away raiders and Vox. Currently undergoing major overhauls to improve efficiency and capabilities, publicly to counter encroachment by the Gilgamesh Colonial Confederation.

Rank Description
Recruit You signed on for the benefits, or maybe to serve, and now you know for sure you won't be fighting raiders or Vox, so you'll have to find a way to stay sane. All you know for sure is, after Fleet School, you're a step above all the Expeditionaries and civilians, and you're ready to get aboard your ship, even if it is a toothless corvette.
Experienced Enlisted You have to remind yourself that you signed up for this when you see the condition of your new billet. While it's no ship of the line, it beats scrubbing the deck on some cruiser in Sol. At least it's like your recruiter said: "Join the Fleet, see the Galaxy." Now you're working with Expeditionaries and they seem to know far more about it than you ever did. Hopefully there's still something left to see.
New Officer The best officers take the biggest challenge, or so you were told in the Academy. This expedition is going to be a hell of a challenge. You're not sure you've had enough training to deal with a department of mixed branches and civilians, but you're hoping for a chance to get your feet wet before the challenge starts.
Veteran A ship like this needs a firm hand to keep in charge. One way or another, you're going to get the job done. If the civilians and Expeditionaries slow things down, you've got the Fleet to keep people in line. SolGov needs a win, and this expedition has to be that win.

The Behavior


This is made simple for the sake of not being over the top.

Conditions Description
The Position of Attention The position from which all other drill is born. Head up, shoulders back, eyes straight ahead, with closed hands and closed feet.
Parade Rest A less rigid position, no less sharp. Feet spread at shoulder-width apart, hands in the shape of a knife intersecting at the small of your back.
At Ease Not drill per se, but related. Parade rest, but free to look around, move everything but your right foot, and keep your hands loosely behind your back. Keep your mouth shut unless you're being talked to by a superior.
At Rest How everyone else is all the time. Free to move and talk.
The Salute Right hand in the shape of a knife, thumb in line with your fingers, up on the brim of your headgear, or side of your head above the eyebrow, arm out straight from your shoulder. Rendered at a walk or at a standstill, never at a run. The Salute is the most important of all military courtesies.


How to behave around superiors and inferiors.

Conditions Description
  • When passing a superior Commissioned or Non-Commissioned Officer for the first time, it is customary to give them the Greeting of the Day loudly and clearly.
  • The Greeting of the Day is Good Morning, Afternoon, or Evening, depending on the time, and the superior Officer's title.
  • Any time between 0000 and 1159 is Morning, any time between 1200 and 1659 is Afternoon, and any time between 1700 and 2359 is Evening.
  • For Non-Commissioned Officers, this is "Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening (Rank) (Name)" depending on the time.
  • For example: "Good Afternoon Chief Petty Officer Schmuckatelli!" For Commissioned Officers, instead of using name and rank, use Sir, Ma'am, or their rank depending on the Officer's gender and preference, and accompany the greeting with a salute.
  • The Gender-neutral address “Sar” can be used instead of “Sir” or “Ma'am”. Do not assume “Sir” to be gender-neutral address; this is a notion from Star Trek, not the military. When in doubt, simply use rank.
  • Address any flag officers (Generals or Admirals) with General or Admiral.
  • When greeted, return the greeting of the day to your subordinate. Don't salute a subordinate first.

Aboard ship, while greeting, it is customary for subordinates to press to the side of a hallway at the position of attention to give superiors room to pass.

Saluting Used in ceremonies, official greetings, and for reporting into superiors.

Persons Entitled to a Salute:

  • Commissioned Officers of any Sol Central Government Organization, The Colours of Sol Central Government and their respective anthems also rate a salute. When in doubt, salute.
  • Do NOT salute while seated. Do NOT salute out of uniform, inside, when on armed duty, when engaged in work, or when uncovered.
  • The Salute, being a mark of respect, is never wrong to give, even if the person is not entitled to a salute.
  • In the Expeditionary Corps, saluting is optional, with the exception of saluting the Commanding Officer, or an Admiral of the Expeditionary Corps.

When to Salute Aboard Ship: You instigate saluting a superior officer once a round for each officer.

  • You directly address or are addressed directly by the superior officer
  • You directly report to the superior officer either at their office or elsewhere, like if they ask you to come to their office to discuss something

When not to Salute:

  • You are actively doing something either physically or something doing that requires your direct attention
  • You are sitting.
  • You are not in full uniform, including your cover (hat)

When to Salute Off-Ship: Whenever you are outside, in uniform and covered (wearing headgear) at any time you're passing someone that rates a salute, or passing a flag,. If the formal raising or lowering of the flag, or the playing of an anthem is in progress, and you are outside, assume the position of attention, face the direction of the music/flag/both and salute, if in uniform. If a superior passes you while you are outside, be sure to salute them. When saluting a superior, do not drop your salute until they do so.

Addressing Superiors and Subordinates Superiors: Similar to greetings, superior Commissioned Officers will be addressed as Sir, Ma'am, or their rank, if preferred. Gender-neutral address should be used instead of “Sir” or “Ma'am” where requested. Salute at the beginning and end of your conversation. Non-Commissioned Officers will be addressed by their Rank and Name.

Subordinates: While not required, it is good practice to address subordinates by their Rank and Name if Enlisted, or by preferred title (Mr./Ms./Mx./Dr./etc.) if Commissioned.

Other Courtesies:

  • When a Commissioned Officer enters a room with multiple people in it talking, the ranking individual should call the room to Attention. The Officer should then put the room at ease or rest if they so desire. A high ranking Non-Commissioned Officer, at least E-8 or above, warrants putting the room at Ease.
  • When addressing civilians, it is customary to address them as Sir or Ma'am, or any formal title they may have.
  • When asked a question, answer in the affirmative or negative, but when instructed to do something, respond "Aye Sir/Ma'am/RankName" to confirm you've heard the command and will obey.
Following Orders When to say "Yes Sir," and when to put your foot down.

The Law: SCG personnel are beholden to a few masters, but at the top of it all is the Sol Code of Uniform Justice, an additional set of rules, laws, and regulations that govern the behavior of SolGov Defense Forces and Expeditionary Corps. SCG personnel have a duty to obey ALL lawful orders, and a duty NOT to obey unlawful orders. But just what makes an order lawful or unlawful?

  • Unlawful orders are any orders that violate the SCUJ or SCG Law. These include orders that require the individual following them to break the law, or orders in and of themselves that break the law. It doesn't matter if the Secretary-General herself is giving the unlawful order, it's still unlawful. When in doubt, go with your gut, if you think that an order is wrong morally, it's probably also wrong legally.
  • Conversely, any lawful order must be obeyed, regardless of how distasteful. For example, a suicide mission in defence of the Sol Central Government, while unfortunate for those obeying the order, is not unlawful.
  • "I was only following orders" has been the shield of the coward for centuries, and has been used unsuccessfully as a legal defense for almost as long. While the individual giving the order has the responsibility for giving the order, the individual that carries out that order is just as responsible in the action. This is a heavy burden, and a major decision to make in a split second, but the citizens of the Sol Central Government are expected to carry out this duty.

Disobeying a Command: While it may be tempting to overreact if given an unlawful order, disrespecting a superior officer will still get you thrown in the brig. The best way (and legal way for that matter) to disobey an order is, upon being given the order and deciding it is unlawful, is to clearly and respectfully tell the superior who has given that order that you cannot obey it. "Sir, I cannot in good conscience carry out that order," or "No Ma'am, I can not," are good examples of how to respectfully disobey an order.

Uniform Wear and Standards

More information about the wear of each uniform can be found here.

There are three major types of uniforms each part of the Defense Forces and Expeditionary Corps wear, each for different circumstances, the Utility Uniform, the Service Uniform, and the Dress Uniform. There is also the service-specific PT uniform, but these are the basic three. While in uniform, you should take care of your actions, you're representing not only yourself, but your organisation and your peers. Disrespecting the uniform could also violate regulations. Your uniform reflects the pride you have in yourself and your organisation, keep your headgear on straight, button your buttons, shine your shoes, and keep your creases ironed. Do not smoke, chew gum, eat or drink while walking or put your hands in your pockets while in uniform.

Uniform Description
Utility Uniform Fatigues, Utes, Cammies, the Field Uniform. Worn both in the field, and while working aboard vessels, the Utility Uniform is for getting work done, and getting dirty while doing so. In the field, you can be a lot more flexible with the wear of this uniform as the mission requires. An undershirt's required colour typically depends on the type of Utility Uniform. Sleeves can be rolled depending on the CO's preferences. Rank, name, and Service are indicated on this uniform, but don't go wearing any medals or ribbons other than Wings, or a branch pin, you'll look like a tool. Equipment required for a job or task can be worn freely.
Service Uniform The equivalent of a nice suit in a business, the Service Uniform is worn in Garrison and aboard ship during some ceremonies, or in circumstances where you won't be getting dirty. You have the opportunity to show off all the shiny ribbons and medals you've earned for your service.
Dress Uniform The one in all the commercials. Very formal, should look like you've put a lot of work into looking good. Worn for formal events, visiting dignitaries, and when you want to impress that one person you've been hitting on, you know the one. Time to wear all of your awards, cords, medals, ribbons, and anything else to impress the higher-ups.


Some foibles and actions that might make you seem a bit more military.

Conditions Description
Respectful Be polite, speak when spoken to, try to be the perfect gentleman or lady. You've had some discipline beaten into your thick head, might as well put it to good use. Use formal address ("Sir", "Ma'am", “Sar”, other preferred address, etc.) when you're speaking to civilians, it's a good practice. If someone insults you, don't start a fight, just let it slide off your back.
Alert Situational awareness takes a bit of work to teach, but is a valuable skill. Keep your head on a swivel, don't be complacent. Don't stand in the way, be aware of the flow of foot traffic and don't block hatches with your flabby body.
Thoughtful Problem-solving is hard, but it helps to step back and look at a problem, instead of charging off to meet it head on. The sweet spot for a plan of action is somewhere around 50% of a plan. 100% takes too long, and 0% gets you and your people killed.
Stand Tall You're a part of something big, be proud of it. Hold your head up high and carry yourself like you're better – in some ways, you are.
Directness You've been trained to communicate quickly and effectively, say what you mean how you mean to say it, confidently. Make eye contact with whoever you're talking to, and own the conversation.
Teamwork You are one moving part in a larger weapon that is your unit. Without the rest of your unit, you're nothing, and without you, your unit is nothing. Put your group before yourself, always.
Honor Your word is your bond, but your actions should show even more than your words that you're reliable and trustworthy.
On the Other Hand Military Service is not a magical machine that turns jerks into heroes, on the contrary, handing a bad person power might just make them worse. There are just as many liars, assholes, and idiots in the military as there are in the real world. What kind of person are you?
Salty Lingo If you listen to older Enlisted, you'll hear a rough, grumbling language similar to Gutter that Non-Commissioned Officers use to express themselves. Mostly slang and half-baked analogies. e.g. "Life's like fruit loops! Dey all look different but dey taste the same!"

Ranks of the SCG Expeditionary Corps and Fleet

A cheat sheet for finding out who is higher in rank than whom. Higher rank numbers are higher in rank. Rank numbers with multiple sub-ranks are ordered with the higher rank first, and lower ranks below. If two individuals are the same rank, position in the chain, and amount of time as that rank determines who is higher. This also includes average ages for each rank, though this is not always the case, and some people may hold a rank at a younger or older age.

Enlisted Ranks Officer Ranks
Rank EC Fleet Age Rank EC Age Fleet Age
Ec e1.png

Explorer Apprentice


Crewman Recruit

18 O-1
Ec o1.png





Crewman Apprentice

18-19 O-2


Ec e3.png




19-20+ O-3
Ec o3.png





Petty Officer 3rd Class

20-23 O-4

Lieutenant Commander

Ec e5.png

Senior Explorer


Petty Officer 2nd Class

23-26 O-5
Ec o5.png





Petty Officer 1st Class

26-30 O-6
Ec o6.png




Ec e7.png

Chief Explorer


Chief Petty Officer

30-36+ O-7



Senior Chief Petty Officer

35-40+ O-8
Ec o8.png



Rear Admiral


Master Chief of the Fleet,

Fleet Master Chief,

Command Master Chief,

Master Chief Petty Officer

38-50+ O-9

Vice Admiral

Ec o8 alt.png

Commandant of the Expeditionary Corps


Chief Admiral of the Fleet, Admiral


Allowed Ranks for Positions on the Torch

For obvious reasons, all ranks cannot play all positions. All leadership (except SEA) must be commissioned officers; Senior roles in departments must be NCOs. Also, the CO must be Expeditionary Corps. All Medical Doctors are Officers, but they are Staff Officers, not Line Officers nor Bridge Officers (the difference is these last two groups are your Heads of Departments and the BOs who handle things for the CO. Don't worry, it's not as confusing as it sounds).

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