Sol Central Government

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Flag of the SCG

The Sol Central Government, commonly referred to as SolGov or the SCG, is a federal republic composed of numerous human member states spanning many systems. The SCG governs the majority of human space with the primary governing bodies being the Assembly and the Senate, which are led by a Senate-elected secretary general. Member states have a great degree of freedom in their actions, though the SCG manages sapient rights, domestic security, economic policy and diplomacy for humanity as a whole. The SCG's population is diverse, including many non-humans and encompassing a wide range of systems, territories, habitats and celestial bodies. Through its member states, the SCG governs as one of the most advanced and powerful civilizations in the known galaxy.


Following the establishment of government funded outposts on Luna and Mars in the late 21st century, further colonisation of the Sol system and beyond was initially carried out by well-funded corporate and private investment groups, leading to a great many early colonies being founded for profit, with loose oversight from Earth governments and agencies. As Earth in the mid-22nd century began to enter a period of great strife and upheaval, many of these colonies began to lose support and assistance from the planet. Now forced to defend for themselves, these now-independent colonies began to struggle or collapse outright. The more viable colonies maintained trade and mutual assistance agreements with each other, fostering the beginning of a wider human community that did not involve Earth.

In the 22nd century, recognising their now-limited influence on the galactic scale and general irrelevance to the wider human galactic community, the fragmented old Earth nation-states came together under a single banner, one Earth government, branding itself the Terran Commonwealth. In an effort to re-consolidate power and bring the myriad of independent colonies back under their influence, the Commonwealth began reestablishing an overarching government in the Sol system and many colonies beyond. This was not without issues, however, as a great many colonies were resistant and felt little loyalty to Earth. An opposing faction was formed, called the Ares Confederation. An alliance of convenience between numerous groups and ideologies, the Confederation sought to limit the Commonwealth's influence. Following years of war the Confederation collapsed, and the Terran Commonwealth looked to further consolidate itself and rebuild. The war took a toll on the Sol system, leading to a number of crucial resource shortages, and the Commonwealth's focus became one of exploration and expansion.

In the early 23rd century, the Terran Commonwealth, having established a great many colonies and outposts, saw a large-scale restructuring to account for its new position on the galactic stage, with the government being renamed to the Sol Central Government and a relocation of the capital to Olympus, Mars; this cemented the Red Planet's status as an economic, military and scientific powerhouse in the years of peace following the war.

The present day sees expansionism and colonisation slowing somewhat, with the vast frontier of human space now becoming difficult to maintain and control. In spite of this, many other human groups, governments and organisations have spread beyond the territory of the SCG and humanity continues to thrive. Humanity has met a number of alien species, some friendly, such as the Skrell and Unathi, and others, such as the Vox, being seen as a threat and a menace. The SCG struggles internally as its massive, somewhat ineffective bureaucracy and cold war with the nearby Gilgamesh Colonial Confederation begin to place a strain on it.


Encompassing 19 systems, the SCG is the largest sovereign nation under control of humanity. Its territory extends as far as 28 light years from Sol, with its influence permeating even further. Of its 19 member systems, the SCG holds direct control over 13. Additionally, the SCG maintains dozens of permanently habitable installations in uncolonized systems and deep space, though the population of these outposts is negligible.

While Moghes is within the borders of the Sol Central Government, it is not a member state and remains under the independent governance of the Unathi. Regardless, the SCG maintains orbital installations within the system. Given the relatively primitive state of Unathi civilization, there has yet to be significant awareness, let alone opposition, to orbital SCG presence.


Theoretically, the governance of the SCG is meant to be simple and scalable. In practice, this is debatable. Representation and legislative power rests in the hands of the Assembly and the Senate. With the Assembly functioning as a lower house and the Senate the upper. The Secretary-General, elected and a member of the Senate, serves an eight year term and functions as the chief executive of the SCG. The Secretary-General has wide-ranging powers and authority to conduct their business and oversees the various committees and departments that make up the government.

The SCG mainly acquires its revenue in the form of a progressive income tax on every SCG citizen, with rates ranging from 1% to 15%, depending on one's wealth, as well as corporation and trade taxes. Other sources of revenue include rental of infrastructure and communications systems, as well as taxation on gateway usage, all of which are owned by the SCG.

Member states are generally left to their own devices and manage their own internal affairs, so long as they comply with SCG law and the Charter, with matters of local government, representation and non-Sol laws and ordinances being their domain. However, each member state is expected to contribute to the SCG budget, and those with a population above 100,000 are expected to maintain their own Planetary Defence Forces separate from the SCG Defence Forces, though able to be integrated into it during times of war.

Sol control and influence is prevalent, however, with all affairs, operations, law and government matters in the void between worlds, gateways and smaller outposts being under its direct governance. In addition to this, any SCG facilities and installations within a member state are under the direct control of the SCG itself. For the majority of member states, the SCG represents itself in the form of a DF Garrison or Fleet detachment, hospitals, aid and education facilities and SFP offices.

While the SCG does not typically interfere in local matters and negotiations between member states, it alone is responsible for any external negotiations.

There are a number of Sol Central Government Organisations, those being departments operated by the Sol Central Government, that encompass a variety of functions, specialisations and areas, ranging from diplomatic services to law enforcement and Exploration (as seen by the Expeditionary Corps).


Signed at the founding of the SCG on the 12th of November, 2229 and put into effect on January 1st, 2230 by the Terran Commonwealth, its member states, a number of other human colonies and some corporations at the Geneva Administration Complex, Earth, the Charter is both the founding treaty and constitution of the SCG. The Charter defines both the layout, function and powers of the SCG, gives credence and authority to its laws, and sets out how member states are to be treated. All new human states wishing to join the SCG must ratify the Charter and follow it, with failure to do so risking massive economic sanctions or expulsion.

Solar Senate

The Solar Senate embodies much of the former inner colonies of the Terran Commonwealth and the barrier for entry is far higher. The Senate is responsible for acting as a check on the Assembly and the Secretary-General. Senators are also responsible for forming and chairing committees, which are responsible for monitoring, quality control and setting policy on the aspect for which they are responsible. The Senate is also, without the input of the Assembly, able to direct the deployment of the SCG Defence Forces for peacekeeping operations, though not declare war. Unlike the Assembly, which merely requires a population, membership in the senate is limited to planetary bodies, with each planet sending three elected senators. A rare exception to this is the various moons of the Sol system, which also elect senators. Corporations may not participate in the Senate. The Senate is often seen as a more professional political body, and the nature of their work places each senator under intense scrutiny. It is also the senate that elects one of its number as the Secretary-General, who functions as the government's chief executive.

Solar Assembly

The Assembly, the largest group, consists of elected representatives from every location within SCG space with a sizeable population so long as they have applied for and obtained settlement status (self-governing, democratic, autonomous population). The Assembly is a place of political infighting, backpedalling, manipulation and intrigue with a low bar for entry and limited restrictions on assemblymen. The Assembly is overseen by the Speaker, who is responsible for setting the schedule, and mediating discussion and enforcement of protocol. The Assembly may draft, submit and forward legislation and motions which, when passed, must then be ratified and voted upon by the Solar Senate, before being signed by the Secretary-General. Outside of their putting forth legislation and voting, Assemblymen often partake in tours, inspections and observation of a myriad of SCG departments, groups, projects and facilities, forming observer committees. The Assembly is also able to veto acts of the Senate, but only with a 66 percent majority.

Political Parties

Numerous political parties exist in the SCG. Major parties include the following:

Party Description
Citizens for Free Enterprise & Trade A party consisting of "bought" politicians, CFET has a single goal: profit. If something can somehow give megacorporations more money, CFET will no doubt be in support, if they are not behind the movement to begin with. CFET is not popular amongst common citizens.
Leftists for Direct Democracy & Freedom Consisting of far-left to “post-left” parties, LDDF is home to authoritarian socialists, neo-Jucheists, and Stalinist-Maoist-Castroist-Marcosists. LDDF is consistently anti-capitalist and believes in heavy military downsizing. LDDF protests the SCG's current system of government. They oppose member state autonomy and further colonization, and are generally more popular in frontier systems.
Progressive Alliance of Citizens Consisting of centrist, center-left, and left-wing politicians, PAC supports integration of xenosapients and generally opposes increased military funding and colonization. PAC's agenda lies somewhere between anti-megacorp and pro-megacorp. They deeply oppose the Confederation. PAC is a very large party and is popular just about everywhere.
Solarians for Freedom & Rights Comprised of center-right to right-wing politicians, SFR supports increased autonomy for member states. Their agenda is generally pro-federalist, pro-religion, and pro-human purism. Their base has xenophobic tendencies. SFR is another very large and popular party.
Order of Solarian Nations Comprised of right-wing to far-right politicians, OSN displays marked xenophobic, jingoistic, and pro-colonization attitudes. Elements of the party desire to incite war with the Gilgamesh Colonial Confederation to seize “what is rightfully Sol’s.” OSN is known to advocate a form of "legal war" between member states to settle disputes. The party enjoys popularity on frontier settlements, prison worlds, and certain areas of the Sol system.
United Green-Left of Sol Composed of left to far-left politicians, UGLS advocates for xenosapient voting rights and supports automatic citizenship for any being residing in Sol space over one year. UGLS strongly opposes military funding and legislation benefiting megacorporations. At times, UGLS opposes further colonization. The party is popular on certain areas within Sol space.


Unlike historic Earth's United Nations, the SCG maintains its own standing police and military forces under the aegis of the Committee of Defense and Security (CDS). The CDS is also responsible for managing intelligence, counterterrorism, and border security in SCG territory. While accusations of abuse by internal security are nothing new, internal tensions lie at an all-time high due to the current cold war with the GCC. Communications traffic is heavily monitored, gateways and space lanes are heavily guarded, and pilots who stray too close to sensitive SCG assets can expect to be detained indefinitely. Though the most visible parts of the CDS are the Defense Forces and the SFP, the CDS also manages the Office of Interstellar Intelligence, the Bureau of Counterterrorism, the Assembly Security Agency, the Emergency Management Bureau, the Emergency Rescue Service, the Bureau of Border Security, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Bureau of Corrections, and the Home Guard.

Defense Forces

The SCG Defense Forces consists of the SCG Army and the SCG Fleet. The army handles operations on planets, moons, or larger planetoids, while the Fleet, along with its Armsmen, holds responsibility for operations in space, aboard habitats or vessels, and within the gateway network.

The Fleet is by far the larger component, comprised of a handful of massive battlecruisers and supercarriers, dozens of medium vessels like carriers and cruisers, and hundreds of smaller vessels and strike craft. Five standing fleets operate under Fleet Command; they are spread throughout SCG space undertaking security details and patrols.

The Army is smaller and maintains minimal troop numbers during peacetime. In the past, the Army was an integrated force comprised of military personnel from across the member states serving alongside SCG regular forces. However, following a reorganization of the army shortly before the Gaia Conflict, the Army during war now directly integrates PDF's as-needed to bolster their forces, moving them under an integrated command until peace is achieved.

Large concentrations of SCG Defense Forces are seldom seen outside of Sol territories and its immediate neighbors, though outposts in hostile areas or past the border of SCG space typically retain a small garrison. Every gateway in SCG territory has a crew running traffic control operations, as well as a number of vessels protecting the gate itself. Smaller, faster vessels perform customs work and patrol trade corridors. SCG military presence increases with proximity to the inner systems. Only on two occasions have SCG Defense Forces been mobilized for a major peacekeeping operation, with both operations occurring in response to gross violations of sapient rights in non-member states. Occasionally, lighter forces are tasked to assist member states requesting aid in managing crime or civil unrest.

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